Reliability Analysis for Disaster Prevention
Kuo-Wei Liao
Thu. 09:10-12:10
Open in Fall
Reliability analysis have drawn many attentions in engineering practices recently. Probabilistic analysis is believed to provide the most accurate estimation of loss against natural hazard threats. It is seen that reliability analysis will be a more popular and vital analysis tool for a wider set of parties in the future. To accurately consider the uncertainties in hazardous natural phenomena, such as floods and earthquakes, two major reliability approaches, moment-based and simulation-based analysis will be introduced in this class. For the moment-based method, the well-known FOSM, and FORM will be first introduced followed by more advanced methods such as third- or fourth-moment methods. For the simulation-based method, the basic Monte-Carlo Simulation will be first introduced followed by several Importance Sampling methods. In addition, an IoT-based health monitoring system can be utilized to identify the real-time conditions of the interested structures and has become a widespread research topic recently. Some IoT related contents such as topics of MCU, TCP and database system will be introduced to potentially incorporate the reliability analysis. The prerequisites of this class are that students must have basic concepts of statistics and fundamental programming skills.