
The MDR3 has the minimum admission requirements as follows:


English Proficiency Certificate at CEFR B2 (Vantage) or above

(please refer to English Proficiency Test Comparison Chart)

Not required for applicants from English-speaking countries(+)

Not required for applicants whose previous degree is entirely taught in English (proof required)


Bachelor's Degree from a regionally accredited college or university

Eligibility and Requirements

Please check your Eligibility and prepare below documents based on your identity:

For International Students
Highest Degree's Graduation Certificate (+)
If the graduation certificate is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
Highest Degree's Full Transcript of Records (+) (including explanation of grading system)
If the transcript is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
Receipt of the Application Fee Payment (USD 80)
Declaration and Authorization Form
Financial Statement (+)
A bank statement showing at least NT$200,000 (US$6,000) in savings deposit.
Passport (if applicable)
Taiwan Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) (if applicable)
Photograph (+)
In color and less than 6 months old, showing a close-up shot of the head and shoulders, and without wearing a hat.
English Proficiency Certificate -Not required for applicants from English-speaking countries(+)
Australia 澳大利亞
Bahamas 巴哈馬
Barbados 巴貝多
Belize 貝里斯
Botswana 波紮那
Canada 加拿大
Dominica 多米尼克
Federated States of Micronesia 密克羅尼西亞聯邦
Fiji 斐濟
Gambia 甘比亞
Ghana 迦納
Grenada 格瑞納達
Guyana 蓋亞那
Ireland 愛爾蘭
Jamaica 牙買加
Kenya 肯亞
Kingdom of Eswatini 史瓦帝尼王國
Lesotho 賴索托
Liberia 賴比瑞亞
Malawi 馬拉威
Namibia 納米比亞共和國
Nauru 諾魯
New Zealand 紐西蘭
Nigeria 奈及利亞
Philippines 菲律賓
Saint Kitts and Nevis 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯聯邦
Saint Lucia 聖盧西亞
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 聖文森及格瑞那丁
Samoa 薩摩亞
Seychelles 塞席爾共和國
Sierra Leone 獅子山
Singapore 新加坡
Solomon Islands 索羅門群島
South Africa 南非
South Sudan (Republic of) 南蘇丹共和國
Trinidad and Tobago 千里達及托巴哥
Tuvalu 吐瓦魯
Uganda 烏干達
United Kingdom 英國
United Republic of Tanzania 坦尚尼亞聯合共和國
United States of America 美國
Vanuatu 萬那杜
Zambia 尚比亞
Zimbabwe 辛巴威
Recommendation Letter x 2
Study Plan / Statement of Purpose / Research Plan (in English)
Autobiography or CV (in English)
Working Experience (+) (if applicable)
Including company / organization, title, responsibilities and period of employment.
Academic Honors and Activities (+) (if applicable)
Please attach copies of supporting materials.

More information can be found on the NTU Office of International Affairs website

For Taiwanese Students
Highest Degree's Graduation Certificate (+)
If the graduation certificate is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
Highest Degree's Full Transcript of Records (+)
If the transcript is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
Autobiography or CV (in English)
Study Plan / Statement of Purpose / Research Plan (in English)
English Proficiency Certificate
Academic Honors and Activities (+) (if applicable)
Please attach copies of supporting materials.
Recommendation Letter x 2

More information can be found on the Office of Academic Affairs website

For Overseas Chinese, H.K. and Macau Students
Mail to Office
Application Forms (+)
Basic Information of Overseas Chinese Applicant (3 hard copies)
Department / University Application Form
A Copy of Citizenship Document
A Statement Paper (only for those who do not satisfy the obligatory consecutive years of residence by August 31 of the admission year)
A Copy of Bachelor Degree Certificate and an Academic Transcript
Upload to System
Highest Degree's Graduation Certificate (+)
If the graduation certificate is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
Highest Degree's Full Transcript of Records (+) (including explanation of grading system)
If the transcript is not in Chinese or English, a Chinese or English translation is required.
Autobiography or CV (in English)
English Proficiency Certificate
Study Plan / Statement of Purpose / Research Plan (in English)
Recommendation Letter x 2
Academic Honors and Activities (+) (if applicable)
Please attach copies of supporting materials.
Receipt of the Application Fee Payment (+)
Pay the fee through OIA website and upload the receipt to application system. Application fee is TWD 1,500.
Pay the fee through OIA website and upload the receipt to application system. Application fee is TWD 1,500.

More information can be found on the University Entrance for Overseas Chinese Students website